Representation theory days in Patagonia, 20-24 of January 2014
Sponsored by the University of Talca, Clay Mathematics Institute, and Conicyt
A focused workshop on recent research in geometric representation theory and related physics, to be held at Hotel Diego de Almagro, in Punta Arenas, Chile.
Invited Speakers
Nicolas Andruskiewitsch (Universidad Nacional de Cordoba), Roman Bezrukavnikov (MIT), Alexander Braverman (Brown University), Ivan Cherednik (UNC-Chapel Hill), Pavel Etingof (MIT), Vyacheslav Futorny (Sao Paulo), David Kazhdan (Hebrew University), Nicolas Libedinsky (Universidad de Chile, Santiago), Ivan Losev (Northeastern), Nikita Nekrasov (IHES and Simons Center), Andrei Okounkov (Columbia), Wolfgang Soergel (Freiburg), Geordie Williamson (MPI)
Here is the poster, and here is the schedule.
There is a registration fee of 50.000 Chilean pesos. Participants should register by sending name, affiliation and email address to
Registered participants
Financial support
We expect to provide limited financial support to contribute to travel and living expenses during the conference for those currently at an institution in Latin America. First priority will be given to junior faculty, graduate and postdoctoral students, and---in some exceptional cases---to qualified undergraduates. Please send a request of participant support to by the 15th of November. The PhD students requesting support should also ask a mentor to write a supporting letter of recommendation on their behalf.
Organizing committee:
Ivan Cherednik, Jan Felipe van Diejen, Stephen Griffeth, Luc Lapointe, Steen Ryom-Hansen, and Nicholas Woodhouse. For further information email